OUR MISSION: "If you can't find the magic, be the magic."

At The Spotlight Project, our mission is to create safe, inclusive spaces for children to experience the magic of theater. Through this, we hope to inspire this next generation of young people to share that magic throughout everyday life, with kindness, open-mindedness, confidence, and empathy.

We believe that the process of working on theater pieces in class is just as important as the final performance.

Whether it be in auditions, improv games, and creative exercises during class that the audience won't see, or in the final show performance. All of these things contribute to our mission of enriching and empowering our students, on and off the stage.

In this program, we cherish every single student, and do our best to give them material gives everyone a chance shine. For some kiddos, this may look like just 1 or 2 solo lines, if that's where they're at this year! For some, it may be a bigger leading part. Sometimes we may even rehearse a piece in class that isn't ready to be performed on show day, but it was still fun and educational to work on as a group!

As a parent in the program, we ask that you to support this mission by encouraging your child to find the magic in the process of theater. Sometimes they may be the star soloist. Sometimes they may be in the back line, supporting another child's moment to shine. Encourage them to find the value in all of these moments.


What is inclusivity?

An inclusive classroom is an educational space where students with and without learning differences learn together.

What does this mean for this class?

In our classes, we sometimes have students with various learning challenges, and our students may learn in different ways, or at different rates from each other. We adjust our scripts to include all students and give everyone a moment to shine that suits their unique ability at this time.

Why this is so awesome!

In a musical theater class, we have the flexibility to teach speaking, singing, or dancing material to each child based on their unique ability, personality, and level of experience. In our classes, groups that are often separated from each other get to work together and enrich each other's learning experience.At The Spotlight Project, we strive to create an environment where every child feels welcomed and uplifted. Students learn the basic techniques of acting, singing, and dancing, while building confidence on and off the stage.